Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Make Booting Linux from USB flash Follow-Me

Sometimes you do not have an optical drive such as a CDROM or DVDROM or CDROM or DVDROM could be damaged or could you also you want to install linux on a Netbook that basically has no optical drive from the beginning. This way you can use to create Linux USB istallar using USB Flashdrive. You can make booting linux from whatever distro you want or if it does not have an ISO image of Linux then this application could make a usb boot in accordance with your choice. Before make an application you need to boot usb UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer) can you downlaoad here  Good luck hopefully useful ...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Free Download | Open-Suse 11.3 Has Arrived

OpenSuse 11.3 is awaited has come, for you who are curious about going to try OpenSuse 11.3 is stable can be downloaded at this link:   He said Indonesia mirror link but when the download is still slow, probably a lot that is being downloaded. Interested please downloadWhat's new in openSUSE 11.3: Kernel 2.6.34  Alsa 1.0.23  GCC 4.5  KDE 4.4.3       GNOME 2.30      LXDE       Xfce 4.6.1 3.2.0 (Novell Edition of the version...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ten Major Laptop Brand Favored

         Design and reliability of Apple laptops made always positive responded than other products on the Internet. However, it does not mean Windows-based laptops are not good. LG and Sony are also often discussed as an alternative.          Apple could be located at the top and always a hot topic discussed because he simply could satisfy consumers. There is no way the price. It ranges in price to Apple's product line is relatively expensive, especially when compared to similar laptops. However, with Apple, consumers are guaranteed satisfaction....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Let Domain Registered With Yahoo Now

Yahoo Domain Name           Registering a domain name of your website with Yahoo to make it easier for customers to find your site online - this is faster and cheaper than you think           If you have decided to start a small business or have an idea for a website, one of the most important thing that you need to do is come up with a good domain name. A domain name is the address that customers type into the address bar to get to a website. Many generic domain names have been taken, but there is another possibility if you use an extension other than....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Share Printer on XP, This is to All of You

ownFollow this step-by-step instructions to share printer in Windows XP. 1) Go to Start and click Control Panel. Control Panel Window will appear, then     double click Printers and faxes. 2) Printers and Faxes window will appear. Right click the printer you want to     share, then click Sharing… Note: Make sure you've enabled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks on network card's properties. as shown in the picture below:   3)  Select Sharing tab and tick Share this printer to share the printer. You      can type in a new name in the Share name text box to change your...

Your Plug-in WP Robot

Powerful autoblogging plugin for Wordpress weblogs. Automatically post Youtube Videos, Amazon Products, eBay auctions, Clickbank ads and much more to your blog without lifting a finger. WP Robot is a complex autoblogging solution that offers a wide range of features and nearly unlimited possibilities. While complex the plugin is still easy to use because of its logical structure and instant help boxes in the admin menu. Below you will find an overview over the most important features. Please note this is only what the WP Robot Core has to offer. Each module will add its own set of unique features and settings! The WP Robot Full...

Disaster Greenhouse Effect

          Global warming is an issue much talked about for decades. one of the matters related to this issue is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs as due to trapped greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, thus forming a reflection layer that prevents the heat out of the earth. This resulted in an increase in surface temperature of the earth. Carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the greenhouse gases are the dominant cause of global warming with emissions growth reached more than 28 Gton / year. (Source: Green chemistry: Designed to dissolve, Nature 2000)         ...

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